Apex Legends Mobile Launch Schedule Confirmed: Dates, Times, and Regions
Respawn Entertainment has released the date and times for the Apex Legends Mobile launch.
2022-05-17 03:00
Apex Legends Players Know How to Glitch Into Activated IMC Armories
It didn't take long for Apex Legends players to figure out how to glitch into an activated IMC Armory.
2022-05-16 05:00
When Will King's Canyon Return in Apex Legends?
Apex Legends: Saviors has been a success for the fan base, but many are already craving the original map.
2022-05-16 02:00
How Arcane Convinced Me to Become a League of Legends Player
Released in late 2021, Arcane is a Netflix original series that grew in popularity to become one of the most critically acclaimed animations of all-time.
2022-05-16 00:00
Horizon Completely Cancels Newcastle's Ultimate Ability in Apex Legends
It appears Newcastle's ultimate can easily be stopped altogether by Horizon in Apex Legends: Saviors.
2022-05-16 00:00
Apex Legends Cracks 400,000 in All-Time Steam Concurrent Player Count Mark
Less than 48 hours removed from the launch of Apex Legends: Saviors, Respawn Entertainment's battle royale title broke its Steam player count record.
2022-05-15 05:00
How to Counter Newcastle in Apex Legends
Here's a breakdown of how to counter Newcastle in Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors
2022-05-15 03:00
League of Legends EDG Skin Bundles Detailed
The skins celebrating EDG's victory at the 2021 Worlds have been released. This article details how players can purchase the skins, or their respective bundles.
2022-05-15 03:00
How to Earn MSI 2022 High Noon Tokens in League of Legends
Alongside MSI 2022, an in-game event is ongoing that celebrates both MSI 2022 and the new High Noon skins. Here's how players can earn MSI 2022 High Noon Tokens in the current event.
2022-05-15 03:00
3 Best Legends to Pair With Newcastle in Apex Legends
Here are the top three best Legends to pair with Newcastle in Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors.
2022-05-15 03:00
Apex Legends Mobile Exclusive-Legend Teased in Season 1 Trailer
Respawn Entertainment has given players a first look at the new character, coming soon to Apex Legends Mobile at the launch of Season 1.
2022-05-14 07:00
How to Get Prestige High Noon Talon in League of Legends
High Noon Talon received a Prestige version, the first Prestige skin Talon has received. Here's how to get him through MSI Tokens.
2022-05-14 03:00