Apex Legends Players Demand Newcastle Buff in Season 14 After Low Pick Rates
According to Apex Legends Status, a site that tracks the pick rates of each legend in the game, Newcastle has slid from one of the most picked Legends in Season 13 to the least. Apex players are now demanding that he be buffed in Season 14.
2022-07-27 00:00
Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Reveal Date Leaked
The reveal date for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer has just been leaked
2022-07-27 00:00
FIFA 22 Summer Swaps 2 Rewards Leaked: Full List
According to leaks from FutSheriff on Twitter, a reliable FIFA Ultimate Team leaker, there will be a Summer Swaps 2 in FIFA 22. 50 more tokens are leaked to come during FUTTIES, here is the full list of rewards you will be able to earn with these tokens.
2022-07-27 00:00
Summer Swaps 2 Leaked for FIFA 22
According to leaks from FutSheriff on Twitter, a reliable FIFA Ultimate Team leaker, there will be a Summer Swaps 2 in FIFA 22, likely coming this Friday with FUTTIES Batch 3.
2022-07-27 00:00
Halo Infinite Forge Mode: What We Know So Far
According to recent leaks, 343 may be bringing back the iconic Forge Mode from previous Halo games. The mode didn't launch with the initial release of Halo Infinite, however, the amount of leaks shared online recently suggest that the mode may be coming.
2022-07-27 00:00
Apex Hackers Learn How to 'Kidnap' Players From Their Matches
Apex Legends players are being terrorized by hackers, who have found a way to kidnap unsuspecting gamers from their matches. Hacking ruins the experience in eve
2022-07-26 08:00
What Does Archive Mean in Fortnite?
What does archive mean in Fortnite? Here is the rundown of the game's newest operational feature.
2022-07-26 02:00
Fan Theories Arise Over New Overwatch 2 'Fox' Hero
The end of Overwatch 2's second PVP beta period has concluded with a possible hint toward the next hero.
2022-07-25 04:00
Blue Egg Pokemon GO Raids Explained
Pokemon GO trainers aren't sure what to make of the blue eggs popping up in-game.
2022-07-25 04:00
Cooper Carbine Has Better TTK Than NZ-41 After Warzone Season 4 Changes
The Cooper Carbine has always been a solid option for players to use when dropping into Caldera or Fortune's Keep, but with this loadout it has a faster TTK than the meta NZ-41.
2022-07-25 02:00
How to Evolve Clamperl in Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO trainers want to know how to evolve Clamperl.
2022-07-25 02:00
Apex Legends Gaiden Event Anime References: Full List
Here is the full list of anime references being featured in the Apex Legends Gaiden Event.
2022-07-25 02:00